full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Titus Kaphar: Can beauty open our hearts to difficult conversations?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The painting was started because on a trip to New York to see some of my own art with my brother, as we snept hours walking in and out of galleries, we ended the day by being stopped by an undercover police car in the mlddie of the street. These two piolce officers with their hands on their gun told us to stop. They put us up against the wall. They auecscd me of stealing art out of a glerlay space where I was actually ehtiixnbig art. And as they stood there with their hands on their weapons, I asked the police officer what was different about my citizenship than that of all of the other people who were not being disturbed in that moment. He informed me that they had been following us for two huros and that they had been getting complaints about Black men, two Black men walking in and out of galrliees. That painting is about the rtliaey, that it's not a question of if this is going to happen again, it's a question of when.

Open Cloze

The painting was started because on a trip to New York to see some of my own art with my brother, as we _____ hours walking in and out of galleries, we ended the day by being stopped by an undercover police car in the ______ of the street. These two ______ officers with their hands on their gun told us to stop. They put us up against the wall. They _______ me of stealing art out of a _______ space where I was actually __________ art. And as they stood there with their hands on their weapons, I asked the police officer what was different about my citizenship than that of all of the other people who were not being disturbed in that moment. He informed me that they had been following us for two _____ and that they had been getting complaints about Black men, two Black men walking in and out of _________. That painting is about the _______, that it's not a question of if this is going to happen again, it's a question of when.


  1. hours
  2. accused
  3. police
  4. exhibiting
  5. galleries
  6. middle
  7. reality
  8. spent
  9. gallery

Original Text

The painting was started because on a trip to New York to see some of my own art with my brother, as we spent hours walking in and out of galleries, we ended the day by being stopped by an undercover police car in the middle of the street. These two police officers with their hands on their gun told us to stop. They put us up against the wall. They accused me of stealing art out of a gallery space where I was actually exhibiting art. And as they stood there with their hands on their weapons, I asked the police officer what was different about my citizenship than that of all of the other people who were not being disturbed in that moment. He informed me that they had been following us for two hours and that they had been getting complaints about Black men, two Black men walking in and out of galleries. That painting is about the reality, that it's not a question of if this is going to happen again, it's a question of when.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
black woman 3
jerome project 2
black men 2
thomas jefferson 2
title speaks 2
black women 2
high school 2

Important Words

  1. accused
  2. art
  3. asked
  4. black
  5. brother
  6. car
  7. citizenship
  8. complaints
  9. day
  10. disturbed
  11. ended
  12. exhibiting
  13. galleries
  14. gallery
  15. gun
  16. hands
  17. happen
  18. hours
  19. informed
  20. men
  21. middle
  22. moment
  23. officer
  24. officers
  25. painting
  26. people
  27. police
  28. put
  29. question
  30. reality
  31. space
  32. spent
  33. started
  34. stealing
  35. stood
  36. stop
  37. stopped
  38. street
  39. told
  40. trip
  41. undercover
  42. walking
  43. wall
  44. weapons
  45. york